Chairman candidates
John “Rocky” Barrett – Keweoge (He Leads Them Home)

My Grandfather was Oliver Peltier, my grandmother was Ozetta Bourassa Peltier
Shawnee, Oklahoma
Princeton University 1962 to 1965, Oklahoma City University 1965 -1967. BS in Business (Marketing and Management), Oklahoma City University Graduate School of Business – 1967-68. Honorary Doctorate of Commercial Sciences – St. Gregory’s University – 2003.
Running for Tribal Chairman is important to me to grow and personalize the progress the tribe has made the past 32 years. We have just gone through one of the toughest periods in our history. It is vital that Citizen Potawatomi Nation continue to play its’ role in helping our people to recover and come out of this pandemic with our faith in each other and our belief in our Tribe intact. We have experienced a miracle in growth in the last 32 years in our ability to serve our people – like no other tribe in the United States. We must not fall victim to the negative, especially since the negative it is simply not true. We have accomplished the creation of the most unique tribal governmental form in the United States – a “virtual Tribal Legislature” that provides elected representation for every member, no matter their home location. With this has come an outpouring of help and access to opportunity never seen before in our history. The completion of this development as the leader of a team of experienced, talented, and dedicated servants of the people of our Nation is my dream. It will be my greatest honor to be allowed to continue this for and with you.
Lisa Kraft

Shawnee, Oklahoma
BA in Anthropology, University of Oklahoma, and Masters in History, University of Central Oklahoma.
I am running for Chairman because I want to see us better aligned to achieve our potential as a people. With over 26 years of experience in Oklahoma Indian Country, assisting leaders in strategic planning, development projects, and nation building, and after 4 consecutive terms as an elected legislator for the CPN, it is obvious to me that we have an opportunity to rekindle the fire of our great nation.
My platform includes a focus on our heritage and culture, revitalizing our connections through language, ceremony, and art. We also need better transparency at leadership levels, and I am putting forward plans for expanding healthcare, education, and economics policies and practices. We need a higher level of integrity as to how we govern, and a stronger vision for how we execute our activities as a nation.
Join me, help me unite our nation, and become a part of this historic campaign.
Steve Castaneda – EConOush (Little Leader)

Shawnee, Oklahoma
My name is Steve Castaneda, I am running for Chairmen so I can give the people of the tribe their voice back. That way all members can feel that their input matters in all tribal endeavors. The tribe should be about all members not just the select few that rise above all.
All tribal endeavors should be paid back to the members since they have paid for these to become what they are today. Things such as the casino, store, and resort would not be if it were not for the members. It is my mission to increase Senior Housing, expand medical care and education benefits for all members.