By the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Department of Education

Through consultation with local schools, the need for user-friendly lessons concerning the Citizen Potawatomi Nation has become evident. Teachers have expressed a hesitancy to teach Native American history because they are afraid of getting it wrong. As a result, they rely on the same old resources that might not be relevant to the tribes in their area. In response to this, the CPN Department of Education is developing a resource for teachers anywhere who would like to incorporate Potawatomi history into their classroom. We aim to provide ready-made, vetted lesson plans for teachers to use in their classrooms. The Citizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center’s encyclopedia ( is already a great resource to learn more about the Nation; this will be the source material for these lessons.

Our first lesson will be on the Trail of Death. We will host a session discussing this lesson during Virtual Family Reunion Festival and encourage all CPN teachers to join us. Register for the presentation at We plan for this lesson to be adaptable to most grade levels and hope you will join us to help make this project a success. Look for more information about where to find the completed lesson in future issues of the Hownikan, or contact with any questions. Find out more about this year’s Virtual Family Reunion Festival at