By Kayla Woody, CPN House of Hope Prevention Specialist

Red is the color of strength, of power and of success. It is the color of the Earth and the powerful mountains that shoot from its bosom. Its boldness breathes life and direction into Native people. It also shows the bad with the good as the color of violence and wounds. The hurt and pain sweeping our women and young girls.

With nearly 85% of all Native women experiencing violence, red is the chosen color to represent those that are missing and murdered. It is not only used to represent the many hearts broken by the loss of these stolen sisters but also to show just how sacred the women of our tribes are. This month is a time to remember these lost. A day to call back these missing spirits of our women and children so they can be laid to rest.

The CPN House of Hope brings acknowledgment to the #MMIW movement this year with a remembrance walk to honor the murdered and missing and to bring education to the community about this plague of violence that is being turned against our Native women and children. The walk was held on Friday, May 10 at the round house on CPN Festival grounds. Families who have lost loved ones were invited to share their stories with those participating. The public was invited to come and honor those lost.

If you or someone you know is experiencing intimate partner violence, stalking, and/or sexual assault and would like more information, please contact the House of Hope at 405-275-3176 or visit us online at