Population growth results in redistricting for CPN Tribal Legislature

Just like American political jurisdictions that shift after an annual census, the Citizen Potawatomi Nation’s Tribal Government is no different. At the March 2017 legislative meeting, elected legislators from across the country agreed to redistrict several CPN legislative districts. The need for redistricting comes as a result of a growing tribal population, with more than 33,000 tribal members spread across the U.S. and wider world. The goal Read More »

FireLake Golf Course re-opens

Nearly two years after work crews began excavating large sections of FireLake Golf Course, golfers are set to return to the 18-hole public course located 40 minutes from Oklahoma City. The 6,335 yard course has plenty of new amenities and numerous hole redesigns to challenge golfers of all skill levels. Lined with native grass and Read More »

Barrett, wins chairman vote, legislative incumbents all re-elected

Amidst the sporting and art contests, cultural classes and powwow dancing, the annual Citizen Potawatomi Nation Family Reunion Festival centers around the General Council meeting, held Saturday afternoon of each Festival. After a blessing and presenting of colors by the CPN Veterans Organization Color Guard, tribal election results were announced by Gary Bourbonnais, chairman of Read More »

New visitor at CPN Eagle Aviary

In late March 2017 a new and unexpected visitor arrived at the Citizen Potawatomi Eagle Aviary. A sub-adult male bald eagle flew in to the aviary grounds, located on private, tribal lands south of the North Canadian River. “He made himself right at home and we have seen him daily,” said CPN Eagle Aviary Director Jennifer Randell. “We think it may be because he Read More »

Indiana declares Indian Day

It was a bright sunny day in Rochester, Indiana, when more than 200 people of many faiths came together in a Catholic church to honor Native Americans for the State of Indiana’s Indian Day on April 22. The first time the Potawatomi marched down Main Street in Rochester was in September 1838, when Indiana government officials followed President Andrew Jackson’s orders to forcibly remove Native Americans Read More »

Festival 2017 competition top finishers

Did you make the cut? Get ready for next year! Traditional Hand Games winners: Cody Jensen Lyle Simmons Jerry Correy Kareen Martin Sherry Whitehead Browning Naddeau Sarah Reiser   Men’s Compound Bow 1st – Bo Green 2nd – Stacey Coffey 3rd – Harold Smith   Men’s Traditional Bow 1st – Lloyd Smith 2nd – Jared Read More »

On 'Point' with her roots

A Citizen Potawatomi tribal member with a special talent traveled from California to learn more about her culture and to teach her craft to students at the CPN Child Development Center in Oklahoma this spring. Kate Schoeman, a member of the Bertrand family, first put on a pair of ballet shoes as a 10-year-old in Orange County, California, Read More »

Citizen Potawatomi showcase community garden and monarch habitats on June 27

In early June, community members gathered at the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center to learn more about what each of them can do for the environment in their own backyards. The United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service hosted the event to showcase what one of their grant recipients is doing in Read More »

Language with Justin: June 2017

As Festival approaches, we have a lot of exciting learning opportunities at the Festival. We will have a number of classes during the event, with one specifically geared towards kids and another toward adults. We will also have the always popular Potawatomi Bingo where you can learn some language while having fun. We are also planning on bringing back the Potawatomi scavenger hunt. The questions will Read More »

CPN Veterans report: June 2017

Bozho, Lest we forget: The months of May and June have a special purpose for this country, this tribe, the Citizen Potawatomi Nation and the American veterans. Our country and her tribes have experienced, and continues to experience, much conflict. Lest we forget those experiences we set aside a special time to collectively join together to remember our brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers who made Read More »