CPN Diabetes Initiative focuses on nutrition education in March

The prevalence of information on healthy lifestyles and healthy eating available to the average American can be overwhelming at times. The Internet is an important tool that allows for breaking news about the latest studies on the impact of a certain food or diet regimen to be delivered to the nearest smartphone. Yet that information access can quickly become information overload, making the importance of consulting experts Read More »

‘No Stick WIC’ brings less stress for participants

Caring for a newborn or toddler is a hectic process. Aside from the day-to-day responsibilities, parents and guardians make sure to get them to doctors’ appointments and ensure they’re getting a healthy diet. The Citizen Potawatomi Nation Women, Infant, Children Program plays a role in assisting with some of the challenges facing parents of newborns and young children. It recently implemented a new practice into Read More »

CPN Education update: March 2017

The recent creation of the CPN Department of Education has helped streamline most of the college scholarship application processes for tribal members. Amongst the responsibilities of the department of education is the CPN Internship Program, which aims to streamline the internship process and allow the Nation to log information of all interns at the tribe. The program matches interns with tribal departments based on education and career Read More »

Potawatomi Leadership Program seeks 2017 participants

The Potawatomi Leadership Program is an immersive, six-week internship for Citizen Potawatomi Nation tribal members. Participants will travel to Shawnee, Oklahoma and live on CPN lands for the summer of 2017 as they are mentored by tribal leaders. The program will take place from June 16 to July 29 and the participants will be at CPN during the annual Family Reunion Festival. During their time in Read More »

“What happened with the lottery?” – The straw man of the Oklahoma budget shortfall

As Oklahoma enters yet another year with a staggering budget shortfall – estimated to be $878 million as the 2017 Oklahoma Legislative Session begins – a common rallying cry has been for increased funding for education. Politicians at the state capitol have heard the call, with more than a dozen education related bills filed ahead of the 2017 session. This comes in light of the Read More »

Meet the CPN District 4 legislative candidates

Several offices in the Citizen Potawatomi Nation tribal government are on the ballot for Election Day 2017, including the executive office of tribal chairman and legislative districts 1, 2, 3 and 4. The Hownikan asked each candidate a brief set of questions as an introduction to both incumbents and challengers as CPN voters around the country will Read More »

Meet the district 3 legislative candidates

Several offices in the Citizen Potawatomi Nation tribal government are on the ballot for Election Day 2017, including the executive office of tribal chairman and legislative districts 1, 2, 3 and 4. The Hownikan asked each candidate a brief set of questions as an introduction to both incumbents and challengers as CPN voters around the country will Read More »

Meet the legislative candidates for districts 1 & 2

Several offices in the Citizen Potawatomi Nation tribal government are on the ballot for Election Day 2017, including the executive office of tribal chairman and legislative districts 1, 2, 3 and 4. The Hownikan asked each candidate a brief set of questions as an introduction to both incumbents and challengers as CPN voters around the country will Read More »

Meet the Tribal Chairman candidates for 2017 Election

Several offices in the Citizen Potawatomi Nation tribal government are on the ballot for Election Day 2017, including the executive office of tribal chairman and legislative districts 1, 2, 3 and 4. The Hownikan asked each candidate a brief set of questions as an introduction to both incumbents and challengers as CPN voters around the country will Read More »

Capps honored at Kate Barnard Awards

Tribal Vice-Chairman Linda Capps has been recognized in many fashions while serving others as a school teacher, adult education instructor, businesswoman, and as the representative of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation’s second highest executive office. The vice-chairman was recognized in February for how her outstanding public service has benefitted Oklahoma women and families as she was named as one of two recipients of the 2017 Kate Barnard Awards. “Needless Read More »