Tribal gaming supports nearly 28,000 jobs in Oklahoma

The Oklahoma Indian Gaming Association released its second annual report on tribal gaming enterprises, showing gaming had a $7.2 billion statewide economic impact in 2015. Despite the continued downturn in the energy industry, gaming enterprises employed 27,994 people statewide during that time, 76.6 percent of which were full time positions. Because many gaming enterprises are located on tribal trust lands outside of the Oklahoma City and Tulsa metropolitan Read More »

CPN Veterans report: February 2017

Bozho, A new year is well underway and the CPN Veterans Organization has lots of expectations for this year. I think I’m ready for the changes to come, but only time will tell. One of the things that interest veterans, and even active-duty military, is the big question: “Why did you join?” I remember in boot camp, my buddies and I would get Read More »

Rekindling 7 Generations update: February 2017

For the month of December, Rekindling 7 Generations Youth stayed busy with our monthly traditional arts and skills groups, boys’ drumming circle, and girls’ talking circle.  Over winter break, new and old R7G youth participated in our Winter Arts Workshop. For four days, youth explored various traditional and modern art forms, including drawing, photography, film, storytelling and new forms of digital media. We were lucky enough Read More »

Elders pharmacy program offers cost savings

Rising drug costs have often been cited as a major hurdle to affordable healthcare options for Americans. The impact can be more severe than consumers simply trying to save money for when they’re ill. According to a recent article by U.S. News and World Report, “medical costs and out-of-pocket expenses result in high rates of bankruptcies, and 10-25 percent of patients either delay, abandon or Read More »

Heritage center is more than a museum

Citizen Potawatomi Nation cut the ribbon for its first cultural heritage center in January 2006 and it has been growing, changing and adapting to challenges ever since. Before the current structure was built 11 years ago, there was a museum and gift shop at the CHC’s present location, but tribal members and staff have spent years planning and learning what people want in a cultural heritage Read More »

FireLodge Tribal Youth update: February 2017

For a short month, February 2017 packs a big punch of events for the PLACE. For the second year in a row we start back the girls-to-women and the boys-to-men programs. From February through April the program will focus on providing much needed tools for our tribal youth to be successful as they grow into adults. Each week will be packed with guest speakers who Read More »

CPN Department of Education update: February 2017

CPN-SGU Tribal Development Scholarship Update  After completing a full year of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation-St. Gregory’s University Tribal Development Scholarship, the CPN Department of Education staff had a chance to sit down with tribal and university leadership. After reflecting on all of the successes and lessons learned, everyone agreed how proud we are that this opportunity exists for the wonderful students receiving this scholarship. With ten percent of Read More »

Wadasé update: February 2017

  Winter has already given us record setting low temperatures in many areas of the state and all-time record highs for the season, all in the same week. A reminder that the old Will Rogers quip, “If you don’t like the weather in Oklahoma, wait a minute and it’ll change,” still holds true as we prepare for the next round of winter weather on Read More »

Thomas’ PLP experience follows her around the globe

Megan Thomas – a member of the Melot family – was a participant of the Potawatomi Leadership Program in 2006 and returned as an intern for the public information department in 2007. In 2010, Thomas received bachelors’ degrees in English literature and journalism and mass communications from Arizona State University and went on to complete a Master’s of Arts in global business journalism in 2013 from Read More »

Q&A with CPN Health Services’ Destiny R. Mitchell

Along with expanding services for Native Americans, tribal employees and non-Native spouses of CPN tribal members, the staff at CPN Health Services seems to be in a continuing state of expansion just to keep up with demand. Amongst the newest health providers to join the ranks at the clinics is Citizen Potawatomi Nation tribal member Destiny R. Mitchell, member of the Bruno family and nurse practitioner.  Where Read More »