CPN receives college and career readiness funding

The CPN Department of Education received its first grant from the Office of Indian Education this fall. The Native Youth Community Project Competition is a highly competitive granting process focused on college and career readiness for middle and high school students. Employees in the departments of education and self-governance put together a project called the Wzhitawen College and Career Readiness Program, which won more than $650,000 over Read More »

House of Hope readies for opening of domestic violence shelter

Despite the 2013 reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, domestic violence continues to plague tribal people across the U.S.  A May 2016 report from the U.S. Department of Justice reported startling numbers; 84 percent of Native American and Alaskan Native women have experienced violence, while another 46 have experienced sexual violence. Of the more than 2,000 Native women surveyed in the report, 90 percent experienced Read More »

Bertrand family descendant Brandon Savory sails the world

More than 32,000 Citizen Potawatomi live in countries around the world, each leaving their own unique footprint. One such individual, Brandon Savory, is nearing his second year in such a journey as he sails around the world with two friends and a “cat sized dog” on a vessel named Cool Change. The Hownikan caught up with Savory as he was nearing the Amazon River in South Read More »

Symbolism behind CPN tribal seal more than a casual decoration

Many Americans are familiar with the symbolism of the American flag, the thirteen red and white stripes standing for the original 13 colonies and the white stars on a field of blue symbolizing the 50 states in the union. The Citizen Potawatomi Nation’s seal has its own particular symbolism, with each piece standing for a significant piece of Potawatomi heritage and history. Originally the Potawatomi were part Read More »

FireLodge Tribal Youth update: December 2016

December has come in like a bear, a baby bear. With the cold weather arriving here, its indoor season at the PLACE. The Get Native Program started and we are beginning the 10-week Next Generation Program. This is a youth leadership program will build leadership skills applicable to school, family and community. In December the youth will learn the foundations for a balanced life. Read More »

Tribal newspaper staff takes home four awards at Native American Journalism Association conference

The staff of the tribal newspaper of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, the Hownikan, recently picked up four awards at the annual Native American Journalism Association conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. The newspaper’s impressive visuals, specifically those photos captured by staff photographer Bo Apitz, resulted in two first place finishes. Apitz took home the top awards for both the best print news photograph and best featured print photograph Read More »

A gifted loom turns into full-time hobby for Potawatomi beadwork artist

Gift giving is a longstanding tradition in Native American culture. Communities view it as a means of sharing and survival, a practice that still holds importance to this day. For Bourassa family- descendant Laura Hewuse, a simple gift from a family friend sparked a passion and led her to become an artist. Hewuse was gifted a loom about 12 years ago and decided to Read More »

Skillings inducted into PBA Southwest Region Hall of Fame

If you’ve attended one of the many professional bowling events taking place in Shawnee, Oklahoma in the past few years, it’s largely because of the work of FireLake Bowling Center Director Chris Skillings. A longtime member of the Professional Bowlers Association, he has worked tirelessly in recent years to bring professional events like the PBA Summer Swing and the PBA FireLake Tournament of Champions to his hometown Read More »

CPN decorates tree for Red Earth Treefest

Tribal members and employees decorated a Citizen Potawatomi Christmas tree for the second annual Red Earth Treefest in downtown Oklahoma City. Treefest is an event to celebrate the diverse Native American tribes in Oklahoma during the Christmas season. “Last year we presented our first Red Earth Treefest to the city and state – and the public loved it,” said Teri Stanek, president of the non-profit Red Read More »

‘Rainmaker’ honored at the 2016 Woman of the Year awards

Longtime Citizen Potawatomi Nation Self-Governance Director Rhonda Butcher was recognized by The Journal Record newspaper as one of Oklahoma’s most influential female professionals. Butcher, nicknamed the ‘Rainmaker’ by Tribal Chairman John “Rocky” Barrett for her astuteness in securing federal funding opportunities for tribal programs, has served in her position since 1997, and helped CPN transition into a self-governance tribe. “The important part of self-governance was always about providing services Read More »