CPN Gift Shop features Crane Woman’s art

Sharon Catlege, better known as the Crane Woman, is a Potawatomi artist whose work is featured at the Citizen Potawatomi Gift Shop. She is a descendant of Delilah Bourassa, daughter of Joseph Bourassa. Catlege sat down with the Hownikan and talked about her art.  What kind of art do you create?  “I enjoy working with different mediums and experimenting with different materials. I started Read More »

Citizen Potawatomi Nation gives to Maud Public Schools music department

Maud Public School students are able to participate in a newly-formed school band because of a generous donation from Citizen Potawatomi Nation. “We were extremely excited to return the music program to our school in 2015-16,” Maud Public Schools Superintendent Jerry McCormick said. “The music program has provided more extracurricular opportunities for our students as Read More »

CPN Veterans report: December 2016

Bozho, I have been informed of a service for veterans that could be of great benefit to many. Have you had an appeal to a Veteran’s Administration benefit denied by the Board of Veterans’ Appeals? If so, you probably have the right to appeal that decision. An attorney, Legislative Director Carol Wild Scott, Esq., has offered her assistance without charge. The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program is Read More »

Citizen Potawatomi Nation sues Indian Health Service over unpaid costs

The Citizen Potawatomi Nation has sued Indian Health Service over nearly $800,000 in costs associated with the operations of its health services, including the facility costs at the tribes’ health clinics, behavioral health center and wellness center. Treaty obligations require the federal government to provide medical care to American Indians and Alaska Natives, and it Read More »

Avoid holiday debt with these steps

  Are you, like most of Americans, afraid of racking up holiday debt? Do you wake in a panic because you forgot in the holiday rush to buy a gift for your mother? Here are a few tips to help avoid a holiday spending hangover and help relieve the stress of the season. Create a list: Write up a list the people who Read More »

Five years of multimillion dollar growth at the CPCDC

Five years ago, I was in Des Moines, Iowa interviewing for an executive position at an insulation company that wanted me to open a manufacturing plant in Brazil. I had no idea of the impending adventure that awaited me back home in Oklahoma. I left Iowa with a promise that I would receive a formal job offer forthwith and a request that I not accept Read More »

Meet the CPN Supreme Court

The Citizen Potawatomi Nation Tribal Court system is designed to provide enforcement of tribal laws, equal justice to all and protection of tribal sovereignty. The court initially functioned as the Court of Indian Offences for western Oklahoma beginning in 1978 and became the CPN Tribal Court in 1985. Its caseload has expanded consistently each year to meet Read More »

Wadasé update: November 2016

  Summer was kind to us in Oklahoma this year with milder temperatures and ample rainfall. That same summer weather has lingered well into October. The trees are still full with leaves and the pasture remains green, but the landscape is finally starting to yield to fall’s crisp night air as those greens give way to gold and orange hues. The wildlife around the aviary has Read More »