Eight ways to stay safe on campus this year

Though only halfway through the summer, most college-bound Americans are already planning on the back-to-school months ahead. Amidst all the packing, preparing and anticipation though, students should take care to remain vigilant for their own safety, as well as that of their newfound friends, once they arrive on campus. Here are a few tips from our partners at RAINN for navigating the new school year in Read More »

Cultural Heritage Center seeks assistance in transcribing historic documents

The staff at the CPN Cultural Heritage Center is offering an opportunity for tribal members to volunteer and assist the archives staff while learning more about Potawatomi history by transcribing historic documents into digital text. There are thousands of written and printed artifacts waiting to be processed by the CHC staff, but there aren’t enough hours in the day, so utilizing tribal members and others interested in Read More »

Wadase update: July 2016

Spring in Oklahoma can certainly live up to the old saying that it comes in like a lion. However, we were fortunate that most major storms seemed to pass by the aviary or dissipate before they arrived. This spring rain, unlike last year’s record breaking rainfall, was just barely above average and was spread out enough so that we did not flood here. Last spring Read More »

FireLodge tribal youth update: July 2016

July is going to be a very busy month at the PLACE. Students who are participating in the GET Native Program will be attending several classes which teach them how to relate to early, modern and traditional Native American ways. Instructions will include on fire use and safety along with traditional native teachings on the cycle of life. Other topics will include Native American authors Read More »

Microenterprise loans assist Native entrepreneurs

According to the World Bank, there are an estimated 2.5 billion adults across the globe who are excluded from formal financial institutions. Roughly three quarters of those have no access due to poverty, costs and the burdensome requirements in opening an account or accessing capital.  One remedy to these obstacles came about in Bangladesh in the Read More »

CPN welcomes all for Potawatomi Gathering 2016

Each year, tribal members from across the country travel to the Citizen Potawatomi Nation’s tribal home near Shawnee, Oklahoma to celebrate the Family Reunion Festival. The Festival, held annually during the last weekend in June, is a closed celebration, open only to CPN members and their immediate families. Its first incarnation occurred in 1999, when the old Citizen Potawatomi Intertribal Powwow was discontinued so only CPN Read More »

Potawatomi education update: July 2016

The Citizen Potawatomi Nation Department of Education strives to help tribal members identify and achieve their educational goals, no matter their age or location. We encourage students by meeting them where they are in their educational journey and supporting them in whatever ways they need. These include, but are not limited to, comparing college options, finding available scholarships, reviewing application essays and identifying internship opportunities. Starting with the Read More »

Pochedley accepted into award program recognizing tribal youth

Lakota Pochedley, a Slavin family descendent, Potawatomi Leadership alumna and an employee of the CPN Cultural Heritage Center, has recently been recognized by UNITY Inc. in the organization’s ’25 Under 25’ awards. The national organization aims to foster the spiritual, mental, physical and social development of American Indian and Alaska Native youth. Pochedley is one of only 25 Native American youth to be recognized with this award. Read More »

Potawatomi children in need of foster parents

The Citizen Potawatomi Nation Indian Child Welfare Department knows first-hand that circumstances sometimes require a child be temporarily or permanently removed from a situation. When the unthinkable happens, the CPN ICW staff looks to find the most caring and safe solution for these children. Currently, 33 CPN children from the area are in the custody of CPN’s Indian Child Welfare department. To ensure these children are Read More »

Language with Justin: July 2016

By the time this edition of the newspaper arrives, it should be Apte nibne gises – July. This literally means “halfway through summer months.” At the end of July the tribe will be hosting the annual Potawatomi Gathering. This is a gathering of the seven groups of Potawatomi in the U.S. and two from Canada. Here in the language department, it is our responsibility to host Read More »