Wesselhöft wears two hats as tribal and state legislator in Oklahoma

Compared to the Cherokee and Choctaw nations, which boast enrollment numbers in excess of 200,000, the Citizen Potawatomi Nation can seem like a small tribe. Yet amongst its 30,000 members are three politicians representing communities in Oklahoma at the state capitol. Senator Jason Smalley (R-Stroud), Representative Mark McBride (R-Moore) and Representative Paul Wesselhöft (R-Moore) are Read More »

Way Back Wednesday: Naswawkay

Naswawkay [fletcher of arrows] was a leader of much influence and distinguished orator among the Wabash Potawatomi, characteristics that made him a valuable asset to U.S. Indian/Emigration Agent Colonel Abel C. Pepper during land cession and removal negotiations. He was the uncle to brothers Iowah and Mjigkewes, government appointed leaders of a younger faction of Read More »

Gift shop featured items of the week: April 18-24, 2016

This week, the third week of April 2016, Citizen Potawatomi Gift Shop presents these colorful medallions and pendants as the featured items of the week. To shop jewelry online, visit giftshop.potawatomi.org/jewelry. Show off these pieces at the Family Reunion Festival and the Gathering of Potawatomi Nations this summer in Shawnee.  If you would like to purchase Read More »

Wadase update: April 2016

There’s a day in April that is highlighted in bright yellow on the aviary’s calendar. It was marked not as reminder, but as a countdown to celebrate yet another milestone for Wadasé Zhabwé. On April 16, 2016, 1,095 days will have passed to mark three years since Wadasé’s release. She has surpassed all expectations as Read More »

National Stress Day 2016

People are different and the ways in which they handle stress are also different. What may be stressful to you may not be to another; therefore, it is important to keep in mind that just because you are stressed does not mean that you are weak. It means that you have become alarmed to a Read More »

Language with Justin: April 2016

Neshnabe: The people and original man I often have had people ask me what the word ‘Nishnabe’ is and why is it on our tribal seal. A lot of tribes have a name for themselves and a name they are known by. We are known as the Potawatomi, but know ourselves as Neshnabe people.  Neshnabe is singular and Neshnabek is plural. If you go back Read More »

CPN donates to Shawnee’s “Night on the Bricks”

On April 15 many Pottawatomie County community members will enjoy a delicious dinner, side-by-side in downtown Shawnee. Safe Events for Families and Visit Shawnee, Inc. are hosting the Redbud City Night on the Bricks at Celebration of Life Park and surrounding locations in downtown Shawnee. The evening will be complete with Jazz on the Bricks, Read More »

Tribe hosts training for butterfly preservation

Under the encouragement of the CPN Environmental Protection Department and support from fellow departments, Citizen Potawatomi Nation continues to play an integral role in Indian Country’s response to the devastating losses to Monarch butterfly populations in Oklahoma. “CPN makes an effort to be good stewards of the environment,” explained Arthur Muller, director of the tribal environmental protection department. “In Oklahoma, so much of our economy is Read More »

Way Back Wednesday: CPN and the OTC go to the U.S. Supreme Court

In the wake of last week’s decision by an arbitrator against the State of Oklahoma‘s attempts to collect state and local sales taxes on non-tribal members purchasing goods and services on tribal trust land, this Way Back Wednesday seemed like an excellent opportunity to show how the Citizen Potawatomi Nation has been down this road Read More »