Tribal member Monaco Herrick’s journey as a missionary led her across Europe and the Middle East, where she met and helped people with differing viewpoints and made lifelong friends.
In order to minimize the risk of contracting or spreading a staph infection — MRSA or otherwise — the CDC recommends regular hand washing and bathing with soap.
This episode discusses how to combat habitual stress from the pandemic, the history of the Oklahoma land runs, and how to teach a dog commands in Potawatomi.
CPN member Beau Favre approached Vice-Chairman Linda Capps for permission to document the species, size and weight of fish in Tribal ponds before releasing them back into the water.
As in-person summer programs were canceled, several CPN departments, including Workforce Development & Social Services and the Department of Education, partnered with Oklahoma State University and employees across CPN to develop two virtual camps.
The leader of CPN’s Veterans Organization give details on a virtual dedication ceremony for the Smithsonian’s National Native American Veterans Memorial.
Collecting survey data helps the Nation make decisions about the land’s makeup and future use. CPN has and continues to conduct feasibility studies to ensure the development benefits the Tribe and its members.
We aren’t always clear with one another in our communication. Right now seems particularly difficult to many people with so many messages about so many things going on in our society.
Vieux family descendant Randy Kritkausky’s mother told him about his Potawatomi ancestry as a young child; however, he developed a deep connection to it, primarily through nature, in his late 60s.
Like many French who came to North America in the 17th and 18th centuries, the Bourassa family played a role in the development of both the fur trade and French-Native American relations.