Autumn at the CPN Community Garden

After a wet summer and three different floods to the grounds at the Eagle Aviary, the CPN Community Garden is now fully back to normal production. The only plant to survive the torrential rainfall was the okra, which is aptly named, “three flood okra.” Now the garden is abundant with an array of fall produce Read More »

Language with Justin: December 2015

Mno gishget Jesos ga nigit mine mno weponget.(Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the CPN Language Department). As always, it gets kind of busy around the holidays. Our new online ‘Beginner I’ self-paced language course met with great success. So far we have had over 245 students join and have had our first student Read More »

Book offers glimpse at “Gathering the Potawatomi Nations”

Author Christopher Wetzel knows a lot about the Potawatomi Gathering of Nations. Attending 12 of the last 13 Gatherings, including three Family Reunion Festivals in Shawnee, Wetzel estimates that he may have been to around 30 tribal powwows and events in more than a decade of observing Potawatomi culture. His recently published book, “Gathering the Read More »

CPN Housing Needs Survey

The Citizen Potawatomi Nation Housing Department has created a survey for Tribal members currently using or in future need of housing assistance. Please take a moment to fill out the survey here.

Way Back Wednesday: Mary Anderson Bourbonnais

A recent acquisition that was graciously donated by the Pottawatomie County Museum and Historical Society is a small photograph measuring 2.5” x 4” known as a carte de visite of prominent Citizen Potawatomi member Mary Anderson Bourbonnais. The photograph was made in Topeka, Kan. by photographer James H. Leonard in the 1870s.

FireLake Gifts featured items of the week: December 14-20, 2015

If you’ve got a hunter or collector in the family, these hand made knives available at FireLake Gifts are just the thing for a graduation gift or stocking stuffer. Some of these knives are one-of-a-kind pieces crafted by Pokagon Band Potawatomi member Hal Wiggins. Learn more about Wiggins and his creations here. FireLake Gift Shop Read More »

Traditional winter tales in Citizen Potawatomi culture

With the Halloween decorations down and the feasting season ahead, Potawatomi are dusting off the fabled winter stories that are only to be told when the air is crisp and the young ones hold out a realistic hope for a snow day. “Winter stories tend to be more of those we’d think of as morality Read More »

Red Earth Art Center welcomes new tradition with first Treefest exhibit

The Red Earth Art Center will celebrate the Christmas season with a decidedly Native twist this year. A new holiday tradition starts this season when the month-long Red Earth Treefest opens free to the public December 1 at the Red Earth Art Center in downtown Oklahoma City. The first Red Earth Treefest features Christmas trees Read More »