Potawatomi Leadership Program welcomes 9 students for 2014 class: Part I

The Potawatomi Leadership Program has been in place since 2003 and serves to educate young Tribal members on CPN and give them workplace experience and knowledge for their college and future careers. The program is only open to enrolled members of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation and is limited between 8 to 10 students. PLP students Read More »

OK-LSAMP hosting symposium to draw Native students to STEM studies

In the second of this two part series, Oklahoma State University’s Kay Porter, a Bertrand family descendent, describes the Oklahoma Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation’s upcoming symposium, “Mentoring Students for International Success” as well as internship opportunities available to Native American college students in the STEM fields. OK-LSAMP, housed in OSU’s Division of Institutional Read More »

CPN Veterans report: March 2015

Bozho, At our January CPN Veterans meeting, we elected our new officers, or should I say, re-elected our “new” officers. I, Daryl Talbot, was re-elected commander for another three years. Bill Wano was re-elected as secretary and David Barrett was re-elected our treasurer. Both have done an outstanding job in the past and I believe Read More »

Wadase update: March 2015

The first calendar day of spring is right around the corner but we can already see the grass beginning to turn green underneath winter’s brown coat.  The great-horned owls that have taken up in the hollow of the old pecan tree behind the aviary have already hatched at least one owlet this season. We found Read More »

Potawatomi Leadership Program applications open March 1 to May 1

 The Potawatomi Leadership Program is an opportunity for young tribal members from around the country to take part in a six-week long educational program in Shawnee, Okla. The program strives to give interns an accurate perception of CPN as a whole and cultivate talent from within to ensure that younger generations are prepared for a Read More »

What to know about regalia, dancing and Grand Entry

Family Reunion Festival is just around the corner, where Potawatomi from across the country descend on Tribal grounds in Oklahoma to meet, eat, dance and greet. Though activities ranging from language classes to hand games will take place from June 27-29, the focal point of the gathering is Saturday evening’s Grand Entry and dance contests. Read More »

CPN disburses LIHEAP funds to keep the heat on

Oklahoma has experienced a mild winter compared to other portions of the United States. For those who have been in a house with a broken heater while temperatures outside are in the 40s, mild can be a relative term. Tribal assistance is there to help. CPN’s Employment and Training Program is able to administer Low Read More »

Eagle aviary calendars for sale

 The CPN Eagle Aviary has had several noteworthy moments in its few years in operation. Fortunately, many of those special moments have been documented by the two eagle aviary employees, Jennifer Randell and Bree Dunham. “We have had many requests for photos and calendars of the eagles. Finally we were able to sit down and Read More »