Chronicling the Trail of Death: Part 30

Saturday, 3 Nov. 1838 Diary of William Polke “At an early hour we left our encampment at Oak Grove, and travelled until two o’clock when we reached a settlement of Wea Indians on Bull creek, and camped adjoining Bulltown.” “Our journey was pleasant, and was marked by the anxiety of the Indians to push forward Read More »

Chronicling the Trail of Death: Part 29

Wednesday, 31 Oct. 1838 Diary of William Polke “Left encampment this morning at half after seven o’clock—the company under Capt. Hull being attached to the emigration—and at 12 o’clock passed Independence. At one we reached our present encampment two miles south of Independence, and ten miles from the camp of yesterday.” “After reaching camp in Read More »

City of Shawnee update: December 2014

Editors Note: On Sept. 20, 2021, the City of Shawnee formally de-annexed the land south of the North Canadian River. The detachment ended the legal dispute between the City of Shawnee and Citizen Potawatomi Nation. On Sept. 21, 2021, Leaders from the Citizen Potawatomi Nation and City of Shawnee announced Tuesday the launch of Shawnee Read More »

Chronicling the Trail of Death: Part 28

Monday, 29 Oct. 1838 Diary of William Polke “At eight o’clock we resumed our journey—the morning being delightful and fine for travelling. At 12 we reached Prairie Creek, 10 miles from Schuy Creek. Subsistence flour, corn-meal, beef and pork and game of every kind. Forage, corn, hay and fodder.” “About five o’clock Capt. Hull arrived Read More »

Potawatomi success stories: December 2014

Citizen Potawatomi Nation members have had many accomplishments and earned distinctions in professional, academic, athletic and artistic fields over the past few months. Here are just a few of their success stories. Ryun Godfrey. In the fall of 2014, Tribal member Ryun Godfrey began his first year as the head cross country and assistant track Read More »

As winter approaches, stay warm inside with some Potawatomi reading

As temperatures drop and people head back inside, the opportunity to learn more about the Tribe shouldn’t be lost until the next powwow season. Books by Potawatomi authors and chronicles of the Tribe’s history are available to Tribal members, both in the CPN jurisdiction and across the nation. CPN Cultural Heritage Center Curator and Archivist Read More »

Crack your crick and get your fix with Dr. Jacob Leba

Injuries happen all the time. They can happen at work, at home, while playing sports or doing any number of normal activities people go through each day. That’s why people like Dr. Jacob Leba of Leba Chiropractic are there to help alleviate and treat some of those injuries. Oct. 2014 is Leba Chiropractic’s fifth anniversary Read More »

Chronicling the Trail of Death: Part 27

Saturday, 27 Oct. 1838 Diary of William Polke “At sunrise the ferry boats were busily plying from shore to shore. As fast as the emigrants reached the southern bank they were hurried on their journey. At two o’clock the party were all over the river, and hastened to join the front of the emigration. At Read More »