Webseries: How to pay for college

The Citizen Potawatomi Nation Community Development Corporation, CPN Department of Education, Oklahoma Regents for Higher Education’s Oklahoma Money Matters, and the Oklahoma College Assistance Program hosted a series of webinars highlighting multiple options on how to pay for college.

Protective factors for thriving families

FireLodge desires to inform Potawatomi families and friends about protective factors. When present, protective factors in a child’s life may lessen the probability of abuse or neglect and can also allow families to thrive on their own.

Tribal candidate Q&As: April 2020 — District 9

In addition to the annual Tribal budget, Citizen Potawatomi voters will cast ballots for two races for Oklahoma’s at-large legislative seats this June. The Hownikan asked the candidates about cultural connections, challenges and the future.

Tribal Transit Department fuels independence

Mass transit options remain rare, especially in rural areas like Pottawatomie County, where most of Citizen Potawatomi Nation’s land lies. Because of this, the Tribe attempts to fill some of the gaps with its transportation department.

Helping at a safe distance

While many people are helping in ways that make a direct impact right now, there are a great number of us who want to help but just simply do not currently do work in a direct care capacity.

Indian Country continues to address HIV and AIDS

With an estimated 18 percent of HIV-positive Native Americans and Alaska Natives unaware of their status, Indian Health Service is among the agencies specifically tasked with helping stop the virus’ transmission.

Sexual Assault in Indian Country

In the United States, violence against Native women has reached astonishing levels with more than half of this population reporting they experience sexual violence in their lifetime.