Wadasé Zhabwé’s telemetry stuns experts

Wadasé’s last visit to the aviary was the first week of September. True to her pattern over the last few years, she visits late fall or early winter, briefly, as if to just check in.

Tips to incorporate an Indigenous diet in 2020

Incorporating Indigenous agricultural systems into food policy can address public health issues while simultaneously healing Native Americans physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Sisters’ sewing helps build self-esteem

The Kwek Society’s work positively influences women and girls across the continent every day. Because of this, the sisters’ personal experience and their connections as Bourbonnais and Tescier descendants inspired them to complete the moon time bag project, making hundreds of satchels to assist fellow Native American women and girls.

Recognizing child abuse and neglect

With help from loved ones and professionals, children can work through and overcome their experiences, while transitioning from victim to survivor.

Invisible no more

Native women in some areas of the country are murdered at 10 times the national average. Often the public perceives that most missing and murdered Indigenous women cases occur on rural reservations, but 71 percent of American Indians/Alaska Natives live in urban areas.