ICWA ruled constitutional by U.S. Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) in a 7-2 vote, June 15, 2023. Citizen Potawatomi Nation staff recently weighed in on the decision and how it affects the Tribe.

Language Update: August 2023

The August 2023 Language Department update from Director Justin Neely reflects on the first Master Apprentice program and the admirable work students of Bodéwadmimwen to learn and carry on the language.

Call for bids: Pecan Harvesting Equipment

Citizen Potawatomi Nation is offering used Pecan Harvesting Equipment that is no longer being utilized by the Nation. The equipment is being offered by sealed bid only. All sealed bids are due by 4 p.m. on Thursday, August 31, 2023.

Call for bids: New construction of duplexes

The Citizen Potawatomi Nation, Oklahoma will receive sealed bids for Citizen’s Place North Phase II Expansion of New Construction of Duplexes, to an Existing Preplanned Site at 10:00 AM CST the 25th day of September 2023, at the Housing Department, 44007 Hardesty Road, Shawnee, Oklahoma 74801, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Department’s conference room.

Young family history

The Young family was among the many Potawatomi who decided to become U.S. citizens and receive plots of allotted land in Indian Territory through the Treaty of 1867. They moved to Indian Territory in 1871 and settled in the community of Pleasant Prairie, which was established 5 miles northwest of present-day Wanette. Later, the Youngs would move to their allotment near Oberlin.

New Behavioral Health building to open winter 2023

CPN Behavioral Health Services anticipates the opening of a new facility this winter. The building will incorporate Potawatomi language and cultural items, and will offer expanded space for services. New staff will also join the team.

Veterans Report: August 2023

This month’s veterans report recognizes the service of Lt. Col. Stacy R. Soutter and offers information about ticks and Lyme disease.

Tribal filmmaker, actress makes name for herself

Tribal member Cadence Barreda began acting at the age of 4, and made her directorial debut at 17 with Game Night. Barreda won the Silver Award at the Red Nation Celebration Institute’s Native Indigenous Student Academy for Cinematic Arts. She was also a finalist at the Student World Impact Film Festival for best student short in May 2023 and won Best Short at Finger Mullet Film Festival in St. Augustine, Florida.