Workforce & Social Services presents panel on scam prevention

Tribal members gathered at the CPN Elder Center in August to learn more about scams and how to avoid them. Four professionals were on hand to present the information: CPN Postal Service Manager Tammy Phelps, David Dinsmore with Arvest Bank, Greg Arbuckle with Sovereign Bank and Daniel Lee with Legal Aid Service of Oklahoma.

Intergenerational cycle of abuse

When there is violence in a home, abusive behavior becomes the standard for relationships. Intergenerational violence happens when the abuse affects several generations within a family. In order to prevent this cycle of abuse from continuing generationally there must be more awareness around the issue, writes CPN House of Hope Prevention Specialist Kayla Woody.

CPN assists in tornado recovery

When severe weather struck the Shawnee, Oklahoma, area on April 19, 2023, Citizen Potawatomi Nation was there to help with recovery. The Nation provided space for emergency response and powerline restoration crews to set up, as well as shelter and assistance for those affected by the storms.

New cookbook celebrates Potawatomi food, culture

In her first cookbook, Chef Loretta Barrett Oden shares personal stories of growing up near Shawnee, Oklahoma, among a group of “grandmothers and aunties,” who taught her about Potawatomi cooking and “using the fruits of the forest, stream or plain,” according to a press release announcing the book.

Request for Qualifications: DOE Undergrounding

Citizen Potawatomi Nation (CPN or Tribe) is requesting Statements of Qualifications from qualified engineering consulting firms (Respondent, or collectively, Respondents) to provide professional engineering services for the CPN Headquarters Area Electrical Undergrounding Project (Project).

Legislative columns: November 2023

Alan MelotDistrict 1 Happy holidays everyone! I got a letter from one of the wisest citizens in District 1 last week, and it was just full of gratitude. How perfect! Their appreciation for our Nation was palpable, with shout-outs to our mail-order program for seniors and scholarship program for students. It is that time of Read More »

Veterans Report: October 2023

The October 2023 report from the CPN Veterans Organization highlights the Veterans Affairs partnership with Mediflix, as well as an upcoming parade event for the ortanization.

Mdamen prepares for third session

The application period for Mdamen, an eight-week leadership program, opened on Oct. 1, 2023. This is the third session of the virtual program, which helps Citizen Potawatomi Nation members establish and maintain a strong connection to their heritage. The deadline to apply is Dec. 1, 2023.

Upcoming event gives boarding school survivors a place to be heard

Tribal members who attended Federal Indian board schools will have a space to tell their stories as The Road to Healing stops in New Mexico on Oct. 29. The Road to Healing is part of The Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative at the U.S. Department of the Interior, launched in June 2021, which hopes to highlight the history of Federal Indian boarding schools and the impact they had on Indigenous people.