CPN Health Services celebrates Judy Lupton’s career

Judy Lupton, LPN, retired after 23 years with the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Health Services. Throughout her time, she provided thoughtful care and attention to patients, and her dedication inspired many.

Language update: November 2020

In the November 2020 update from the CPN Department of Language, director Justin Neely gives many online resources to work on learning the language from home and vocabulary for the fall.

Native land rights and the Land Runs of 1891

The first Oklahoma land run took place on April 22, 1889, and established present-day Oklahoma City and Guthrie in one day. The Citizen Potawatomi Nation’s historical ties are with the Land Runs of 1891, which took place on Sept. 22, 23 and 28.

Strict CARES Act fund disbursement guidelines remain confusing for Indian Country

Under guidance issued by the Treasury in June, state, local and tribal governments are allowed to use CARES Act money to provide direct cash assistance to their constituents. However, the disbursal of the funds requires documentation directly related to COVID-created needs, such as increased internet bandwidth to support teleworking or distance learning.

Potawatomi language learning tips

Although mastering the language has its difficulties, picking a few words and using them with younger generations helps ensure Bodéwadmimwen stays alive and strong for years to come.