Traveling to Gathering, a way of life for Cathryn Wamego

In the mid-1830s bands of the Potawatomi endured a forced removal that displaced the tribes from the upper Midwest of the United States to Kansas and Oklahoma. In commemoration of that horrendous journey, tribal elders from all bands of the Potawatomi agreed to hold an annual event to bring all bands together to embrace each Read More »

Chronicling the Potawatomi Trail of Death – Part 9

Diary of William Polke Saturday, 15 Sept. 1838 “Early on this morning we were on our way, and travelled without interruption unit 12 o’clock. When we arrived at an unhealthy and filthy looking stream, at which, from the reports of the citizens of the country, we were forced to encamp. The young men among the Read More »

LeClaire named Executive Director of CPN Gaming Commission

Dan LeClaire.  Though the Citizen Potawatomi Nation’s diversification between gaming, federal and enterprise revenue is key to its ongoing economic success, the integrity of Tribal gaming operations is of paramount importanceas an economic engine in Pottawatomie County and the State of Oklahoma. In charge of overseeing and ensuring that these operations remain in compliance with Read More »

Dr. Macarty sees a great future at Citizen Potawatomi Nation

 For a man who has seemingly been over all four corners of the state of Oklahoma, Dr. John D. Macarty O.D. finds his present position as a homecoming of sorts. Along with Director of CPN Health Services Tim Tall Chief and the staff at the CPN Health Clinic East, the Anderson family descendent has been Read More »

Chronicling the Potawatomi Trail of Death – Part 8

Diary of William Polke Friday, 14 Sept. 1838 “Left Lagrange encampment at an early hour and proceeded at a quick pace on our journey—passing over a dry and seemingly unhealthy portion of the country. Our party continues to mend in health. Occasionally however, and indeed not unfrequently, persons thro’ weariness and fatigue take sick along Read More »

The Right to Defend- Andrea L. Worden, PLLC

Andrea Worden, PLLC. There are very few people that have careers they view as a calling, yet Choctaw and Cherokee tribal member Andrea Worden views hers as such. During Worden’s time as an undergraduate at the University of Central Oklahoma, she took a required course for her Political Science degree. Her professor showed a film Read More »

Chronicling the Potawatomi Trail of Death – Part 7

Diary of William Polke Thursday 13 Sept. 1838 “We commenced our journey this morning about nine o’clock, and after traveling until four this afternoon, reached the encampment near Lagrange—some 18 miles from the camp of yesterday. With the exception of the sultry heat of noon-day and the excessive dust of the roads, our marches are very Read More »

Chronicling the Potawatomi Trail of Death – Part 6

Diary of William Polke Wednesday, 12 Sept. 1838 “At half past 8 o’clock we struck our tents and started on the march. At 11 we reached and forded the Tippecanoe River. A little after 12 we passed the Battle Ground and at one arrived at our present encampment (Battle Ground).“ “Distance from the encampment of Read More »

Chronicling the Potawatomi Trail of Death – Part 5

Diary of William Polke Monday, 10 Sept. 1838 “The morning was early employed in preparations for a removal. Nothing of any note occurred during the morning. At 10 o’clock we got under way and proceeded on our journey, leaving behind us of sick and attendan[ts] two. The day was hot—we had the advantage [how]ever, of Read More »