FireLake Entertainment Center GM looks back on 22 years of service

Linda Canada was 19 years old when she moved from Quitaque, Texas to Shawnee, Okla. with her immediate family. Her familiarity with the Citizen Potawatomi Nation began when Canada was playing at the old bingo hall, before the tribe ever owned a casino. She picked up an application during one visit and the rest is Read More »

CPN’s Sammy Mitchell at home on the country music stage

With more than 2,000 employees the Citizen Potawatomi Nation has a host of talented individuals that help with the tribe’s day-to-day work. Whether they’re a local visual artist or a person who knows how to change that finicky oil filter on your old Dodge, tribal employees are staples of the local community. For those who Read More »

Getting prepared for cold weather exercises

While the weather is all about polar vortexes and ice storms, those New Year resolutions aren’t going to get themselves accomplished if you wait for warmer temperatures. So while the weather may be cold, many of you will layer up and head outside. For those hardy few, here are some tips for exercising outside in Read More »

Women’s Circle presents quilt to local tornado victim

Each Wednesday morning, a group of local women meet in the Title VI Elders Program building adjacent to the CPN Wellness Center with sewing on their minds. Officially known as the Wednesday Morning Women’s Circle, participants Doris Brenner, Patty Beeton, Suzie Brendelson, JoAnn Byler, Ida Tuttle, and Laura Oaks are either tribal members or spouses Read More »

CPN Behavioral Health Services Q&A with Dr. Stumblinbear-Riddle

With two clinics and 12 different departments, the Citizen Potawatomi Health Services offers a variety of facilities and programs to Native Americans and the tribe’s employees. While the CPN Health Clinics are the most visible manifestation of these offerings, programs like Behavioral Health play a vital role in the local health community. To learn more Read More »

Wintering Eagles of Oklahoma

The bald eagle is a migratory species. Those birds that nest in the Great Lakes states and adjacent areas in Canada fly south to find food for the winter, and many find their way to Oklahoma. Eagles begin arriving here in late November and December. Their numbers peak in January and February, and most birds Read More »

House of Hope’s Willis recognized for fight against domestic violence

According to the statistics available from the non-profit Violence Policy Center, Oklahoma ranks 3rd in the U.S. in per capita deaths from domestic violence, with 61 percent of those killed by an intimate partner. Despite those sobering figures, the numbers might be far higher if not for the work of family violence programs that assist Read More »

Oregon’s Wildlife Safari names new cheetah cub after late CPN member

On January 1, 2014, Melot and Navarre-family descendent Carly Redheart got the call she had been hoping for. She learned that Wildlife Safari, based in Winston, Oregon would name one of their newborn cheetah cubs after her son, the late Donavan Huth. Huth passed away March 2013 in an automobile accident that also took the Read More »

Leave a Legacy of Healthy Vision – The National Eye Institute

Diabetes affects nearly 26 million people in the United States. In addition, another 79 million people are estimated to have prediabetes, a condition that puts people at increased risk for diabetes. Many American Indians and Alaska Natives (AIAN) are included in these statistics. According to the Indian Health Service, diabetes among American Indians and Alaska Read More »

Language with Justin – January 2014

For the third year in a row, the Potawatomi Language Department and our Monday adult class went Christmas caroling in Potawatomi. We do this every year and usually go to the Elders housing at Father Murphy and in Tecumseh. We always have a good time and also collect canned goods for those less fortunate. This Read More »