Boursaw and Carney win legislative elections

Citizen Potawatomi Nation tribal members recently had the opportunity to vote in the 2013 elections. Incumbent Eva Marie Carney won the District 2 election and challenger Jon Boursaw won the District 4 election. Legislative District 1 incumbent Roy Slavin, District 3 incumbent Robert Whistler and Chairman John “Rocky” Barrett were unopposed in the 2013 election. Read More »

The Potawatomi Dictionary

Learning a new language is difficult in any situation, especially when the language isn’t widely spoken. Tools like classes, dictionaries and labeling of everyday objects can go a long way in helping people pick up words or phrases. However, if those tools are lacking, the difficulty of learning increases exponentially. “As Potawatomi descendants, we were Read More »

Roselius, Zientek take first at Citizen Potawatomi Nation powwow

Two Potawatomi Leadership Program counselors took first place in the Men’s and Women’s dance contest at the CPN Family Reunion Festival powwow. Austen Roselius won first place dancing the Northern Traditional Dance in the Men’s contest and Tesia Zientek took first place dancing Southern Cloth Women’s Traditional style in the Women’s contest. Austen, a member Read More »

Citizen Potawatomi Nation Family Reunion Festival brings thousands to Shawnee

More than 5,000 people from 39 states descended on the town of Shawnee the weekend of June 28-30 to celebrate their Citizen Potawatomi Nation heritage. The annual Family Reunion Festival attracts people from all across the United States and has a considerable economic impact on Shawnee. “Events that draw visitors from outside the area are always Read More »

Basic phrases for Festival

With the start of festival, attendees are encouraged to try and use some Potawatomi words while visiting the various activities taking place this weekend. Below are some basic phrases and responses, and the Potawatomi dictionary can be found online here. Potawatomi words spelled out in English like below don’t require any accent, just read the Read More »

CPN Family Reunion Festival offers up language, culture

The Family Reunion Festival hosts several language and cultural classes for adults and children. In addition to having the opportunity to meet with extended Potawatomi family, festival guests can learn CPN language, discover beading or make a pair of moccasins just to name a few. “We offer several classes during festival so that people who Read More »

Festival fashion: How to dress for the Family Reunion Festival

Of all of the activities taking place during the Family Reunion Festival, Grand Entry is among the most popular. Grand Entry happens at the powwow, which takes place Saturday evening. All of the honored families are recognized with a dance during Grand Entry. The families being honored are the Johnson, Lafromboise, LaReau, LeClair, Melott, Rhodd, Read More »

Family Reunion Festival: What to know

The Family Reunion Festival is just around the corner and there are a few things you should know if you plan to attend. There are many activities scheduled for June 28, 29 and 30; all of them provide the opportunity for Potawatomi to connect with their larger family, their culture and the tribe. Here are Read More »