Anderson family history

The Anderson family’s Potawatomi roots began in 18th century Peoria, Illinois, when a Potawatomi woman named Mary C. Tremblay married a blacksmith named John Anderson.

Your role in protecting children

In a time of social distancing, a result of the global pandemic that is COVID-19, the possibility of children being abused and neglected might be rising.

Tips for Native families navigating the child welfare system

For many families involved in the child welfare system, accessing family support services and navigating court processes requires determination. CPN’s FireLodge Children & Family Services is involved in every child welfare case involving Citizen Potawatomi children across the U.S.

Hownikan Podcast: June 2020

This episode takes a look at the history of Native Americans and infectious disease, how the CPN human resources department has adapted during the coronavirus pandemic and a new United States Department of Agriculture program helping get food to Tribal members in Kansas.

Veterans report: June 2020

There has been some easing of restrictions, but the threat is still present and real. Taking precautions is the best way to fight this pandemic affliction. Be aware! Here are a few “myths vs. facts” that might help your decision-making.