CPNHS COVID-19 pandemic update

CPNHS was well prepared to handle COVID-19 patients in the safest way possible. Our safety protocols for patients, employees and coworkers have proven highly successful and are still in place.

Hownikan Podcast: May 2020

This episode is all about COVID-19. Tribal members around the world tell us how their lives have been affected and changed. We’ll also talk to CPN’s lead doctor heading the Tribe’s efforts against COVID-19.

Talking real estate with First National Bank & Trust

For most people, buying a home is likely to be the biggest purchase of their lives. It can be overwhelming for anyone — but for first-time buyers especially, navigating the real estate world can be downright terrifying.

Space can be a good thing

While many of us long for the kind of human contact we knew in the recent past, we can still experience too much closeness at times with the people we love. I know this seems confusing, and that’s because it is! But it’s also okay.

Trying to understand each other during COVID-19

When we feel irritated, frustrated or annoyed with other people, trying to understand them and their thoughts will certainly help reduce those feelings. Almost every time we feel one of these three feelings, it is because we do not understand something about where others are coming from.

Second annual Community Baby Shower empowers families

More than 600 guests attended the second annual Community Baby Shower hosted by Citizen Potawatomi Nation’s Workforce & Social Services Department and the CPN Child Development Center on Wednesday, March 4, 2020.