Language update: March 2020

The monthly update from the CPN Language Department includes a look back at the 2020 Winter Storytelling event from February, upcoming translations and the men’s drum group’s progress.

Potawatomi pilot chosen for 2020 Rose Bowl flyover

Stealth bomber pilot and flight instructor Zack Ziegler flew 1,000 feet over the crowds at the Rose Bowl Parade and football game on Jan. 1, 2020. Only a few pilots are chosen for the honor each year.

2020 Potawatomi Gathering Bus Trip

The Citizen Potawatomi Nation will provide free bus travel to the annual Potawatomi Gathering for Tribal members and their immediate families.

Kwek Society recognized with Power, Together award in Iceland

In November 2019, the Reykjavík Global Forum Women Leaders presented The Kwek Society (Kwe’k means “women” in Potawatomi) with the Power, Together award in Iceland for its work reducing period poverty for Native American youth.