Tribe and Chairman win REI Oklahoma Vision Award

The Nation has become known as an innovator in utilizing the tools at its disposal to develop its businesses and governmental programs to improve local communities in and around its jurisdiction.

Hownikan founder, CPN Elder Beverly Hughes walks on

Amongst many others who worked for the Nation before and after the landmark 1975 Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, Tribal elder Beverly Hughes witnessed the changes firsthand. Elected Secretary-Treasurer in 1970, she served on the five-person Business Council, then the Tribe’s governing body.

House of Hope offers parenting classes

Parents want what is best for their children, but knowing how to provide that sometimes can be tough. At the House of Hope, we offer parenting classes, at no charge, to those in the community who either need or desire such training.

Show and tell-the importance of values

Children are excellent observers and are often taught through the actions of others. One of the best ways, therefore, to teach youth is through show and tell.

Language update: November 2019

The November 2019 CPN Language Department update includes new vocabulary, a prayer of thanksgiving and a recipe.