Bergeron family history

The Bergeron Potawatomi family roots begin along the Kankakee River in Bourbonnais Grove, Illinois, with Watchekee, the daughter of Potawatomi/Odawa Chief Shabonna and Monashki.

Made with love, gifted with prayers

Barb Smith noticed the need for some colorful, pretty lap robes at the CPN Elder Village in Rossville, Kansas in April. The wheels started turning, and she enlisted the help of Felicia Brown to join her in making some new ones for the facility. As of mid-September, they had made 110.

Hownikan Podcast: December 2020

This month, we talk to CPN child prosecutor Lisa Herbert about the Tribe’s court system, hear about the annual Shop with a Cop charity event and learn about credit counseling services from the Citizen Potawatomi Community Development Corporation as well as learn winter words in Potawatomi.