Webseries: How to pay for college

The Citizen Potawatomi Nation Community Development Corporation, CPN Department of Education, Oklahoma Regents for Higher Education’s Oklahoma Money Matters, and the Oklahoma College Assistance Program hosted a series of webinars highlighting multiple options on how to pay for college.

Hownikan Podcast: February 2020

This time on Hownikan Podcast, we’ll hear from a Tribal member and high school student whose dreams include space travel and learn about how CPN manages its land today.

Roger Greenwalt utilizes new knowledge to build community

Greenwalt found out about the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Department of Education scholarship while reading the Hownikan at the same time his children started college. When the time felt right for him to return to school, he applied, too.

Stephanie Hawk helps CPN students plan for college

Stephanie Hawk’s role as a college advisor in the CPN Department of Education allows her to meet with students of different ages, helping them put together a college plan, including how to pay for it. She also teaches college and career readiness at local high schools.