During this episode, we visit with an author about her new book that tells stories from a Tribal elder’s childhood, a domestic violence prevention specialist about National Stalking Awareness Month and a historian about the 155th anniversary of the last treaty CPN signed with the federal government.
January is designated as National Stalking Awareness Month. This January, House of Hope will be hosting a free event for the public that will focus on the dynamics of stalking and how to work with those affected by this crime. The event will be held on January 18 at 1 p.m. and located at CPN’s North Reunion Hall.
Apps like TikTok and Instagram allow users to capture every moment of their day, sharing those with the world. This does not come without a price. Once uploaded, these images are irreversible and can be used as a form of power and control against a person.
Prevention is key when it comes to domestic violence. With domestic violence on the rise all over the nation, education on the dynamics of abuse is needed more than ever.
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness month. More than 12 million people each year are affected by violence from a spouse or partner, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The Hands Are for Helping project educates youngsters on the importance of playing safely without violence. It was developed to help assist parents teach their children the best ways to overcome conflict without a physical altercation.
In a healthy relationship, all communication is respectful, whether in person or through technology. However, with unhealthy relationships, communication can be extremely dangerous, and technology can act as gasoline on the fire.
Many victims feel a giant sense of relief once they have escaped the powerful hold of an abuser. When children are involved though, the victim and often the children are forced to endure the same trauma and abuse, even after the divorce or separation is finalized.
Increased online presence that comes with new learning norms may put our children at a greater risk of online predators. It’s vital that parents, caregivers and educators know how to recognize the signs of abuse online and how to prevent it.
The CPN House of Hope wants to help bring acknowledgment to the #MMIW movement and educate the community about this plague of violence targeting our Native women and children.