Potawatomi Leadership Program celebrates 20 years

This month 20 years ago, Citizen Potawatomi Nation welcomed the first group of students to participate in the Potawatomi Leadership Program. Brittany Destree Dek was 17 years old in 2003 and participated in the PLP between her junior and senior years of high school. The Bertrand family descendant reflects on her experience as one of the first students to benefit from the program.

Festival health screenings with CPNHS

Most Family Reunion Festival guests are looking forward to the cultural activities, but the event is also a good time to consider overall health and wellness. Citizen Potawatomi Nation Health Services will be offering health screenings and other services on Friday, June 23 and Saturday, June 24.

CHC hopes to capture Tribal member experiences

Heritage Interview Clerk Christopher Lenggenhager hopes to see many Tribal members during Family Reunion Festival this year and aims to record interviews that serve as video time capsules for future generations. To schedule an interview, visit portal.potawatomi.org.

Powwow etiquette and dress

To respect the sacred nature of the dance space, there are several considerations regarding etiquette and dress for Tribal members participating in the Grand Entry and powwow at this year’s Family Reunion Festival.

Extend your stay after Festival

There are many nearby attractions to help you extend your 2023 Family Reunion Festival stay in Oklahoma – before or after the main event!

2023 Honored families

An important part of Family Reunion Festival, the honored families tradition recognizes the families that moved to Oklahoma following forced removal and eventually formed the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. The 2023 honored families are Johnson, Lafromboise, Lareau, LeClair, Melott, Rhodd, Tescier, Weld and Young.

A Family Reunion Festival tradition makes its return

This year, the Nation’s long-standing tradition of recognizing the families that moved to Oklahoma following forced removal and eventually formed the Citizen Potawatomi Nation returns to Family Reunion Festival. This year’s honored families are Johnson, Lafromboise, Lareau, LeClair, Melott, Rhodd, Tescier, Weld and Young.

FireLake construction: Improvements coming through end of 2024

Currently, CPN continues to work with Guernsey, an architectural firm out of Oklahoma City, to finalize plans for a new casino near FireLake Discount Foods and a new 126-room hotel beside it. They will be located on the north side of Hardesty Rd. between Rangeline Rd. and S. Gordon Cooper Dr. The Nation has also spent time between softball seasons updating and adding to FireLake Ball Fields.