Cultural Heritage Center anticipates upgrades

The Institute of Museum and Library Services recently awarded the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center nearly $100,000. The funds will support the CHC’s efforts to modernize and enhance technology to improve the visitor experience.

Hownikan Podcast: Tribal veterans interviews

In honor of Veteran’s Day, this episode dips into the video archives of the CPN Cultural Heritage Center for recent interviews with veteran Tribal members.

Tribal member leads nuclear deterrence squadron

In May 2022, Tribal member Brooke H. Desrochers took charge of Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron 4, stationed at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City. The role is a prestigious honor and the culmination of this Anderson family descendant’s 20-year Naval career.

Mdamen program prepares for 2023 session

The Citizen Potawatomi Nation Department of Education is accepting applications for the second session of Mdamen, the Tribe’s new leadership program that helps participants establish and maintain a strong connection to their Potawatomi heritage. The application period opened on October 1 and closes November 15.

Redbone Indian Tacos food truck

Citizen Potawatomi Community Development Corporation Grants and Finance Coordinator Lakisha Meade highlights one of the many businesses that have found success through the CPCDC’s guidance and financial assistance, Redbone Indian Tacos food truck owned by Kelly Price in Medicine Park, Oklahoma.

Diabetes program improves educational opportunities, technology

November is National Diabetes Month, and this feature highlights the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Health Services Diabetes Program and pharmacy’s offerings, including improved educational programs, new technology, and affordable access to necessary medications and products like insulin.

Fall brings Wadasé home for a visit

CPN Eagle Aviary managers Bree Dunham and Jennifer Randell write about a recent sighting of Wadasé Zhabwé, a bald eagle released from their care nine years ago now thriving in the wild.

Hownikan Podcast: October 2022

This episode explores the history and complexities of the simple dish of fry bread and features a CPN photographer who traveled North American to capture Potawatomi from all 9 Nations in regalia.

Nurse practitioner, world traveler

Tescier family descendant Christine Munoz values the chance to be a part of service to her Tribe as advanced practice registered nurse. She enjoys the holistic approach to preventative care that CPNHS provides, as well as the professional support from other nurses, doctors and staff. When she’s not caring for patients, she’s traveling the globe!

How to help if you know someone is being abused

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. CPN House of Hope DVPI Prevention Specialist Kayla Woody writes about signs to look for, and how to support someone experiencing domestic violence.