Tribal member studies CPN fish populations

CPN member Beau Favre approached Vice-Chairman Linda Capps for permission to document the species, size and weight of fish in Tribal ponds before releasing them back into the water.

Aerial survey creates topographical map of Welch allotment

Collecting survey data helps the Nation make decisions about the land’s makeup and future use. CPN has and continues to conduct feasibility studies to ensure the development benefits the Tribe and its members.

Suicide Awareness Month

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S., per the CDC, and over 1.4 million Americans attempt each year. It is important to be able to notice the signs and provide help immediately because everyone is affected by suicide, not just the victim.

Tribes watch as Oklahoma moves toward managed care for Medicaid

Until 2020, Oklahoma was one of 14 states that had not expanded Medicaid for those qualified by ACA standards. The state has the second highest rate of uninsured adults in the country, though that may change as the program’s eligibility expands by the 2021 deadline.