A cabin built by South Bend’s first European settler, Pierre Navarre, sits in northern Indian. As a fur trader and American Fur Company agent, Navarre built relationships with the Potawatomi and married Kis-naw-kwe, the daughter of a Potawatomi headman.
Dr. Patrick Kennedye, member of the Peltier family, recently joined CPN Health Services as a primary care physician. He graduated from the University of Oklahoma Medical School in 2015 with the help of CPN scholarships.
Ensuring future generations have access to safe water supplies requires a few simple rules and everyday actions to help improve the quality of one of life’s essential substances.
Tribal member John Pockrus spent years learning how to decorate buffalo skulls as well as the importance of every piece chosen to adorn one.
American Indian and Alaska Native women are three times more likely to receive an AIDS diagnoses than their Caucasian counterparts.
Citizen Potawatomi Nation joined a Native American Rights Fund amicus brief in support of the Indian Child Welfare Act.
Tribal member Michelle Jesse and her husband Todd have been hosting rodeo events on their property after opening the J Bar Arena five years ago.
While many continents have golden eagles, the bald eagle is native to North America, with sightings in every state except Hawaii. Although these birds of prey share similar characteristics, other attributes set them apart.
CPN won the Government Finance Officers Association’s Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting in 2018, earning the award three decades straight.
The Cultural Heritage Center’s final gallery, Seventh Generation, celebrates the Tribe’s successes as well as educates the public on the Nation’s strength, endurance and perseverance.