This month’s language update highlights the impressive showing of young Potawatomi students at the recent Oklahoma Native American Youth Language Fair, the upcoming summer apprentice program with the Department, and more.
This month’s update from the Language Department features the upcoming Master Apprentice program this summer, and the Department’s presence at the Oklahoma Language Fair.
The March 2023 language update highlights the beginner course series starting March 15 as well as a recent Endangered Language Fund grant to support summer apprentices.
This month’s language update introduces a new beginner learning course and highlights the Winter Story Telling event on February 21, 2023.
James “Jim” Thunder, Sr., a Potawatomi elder who was one of the few remaining native-speakers and helped lay the groundwork for current efforts to teach Bodéwadmimwen, has walked on. Thunder’s legacy covers not only the years he spent teaching the language but also the documentation he created and shared with Potawatomi everywhere, no matter where they lived. He laid the foundation for future generations to learn Potawatomi.
This episode explores language, specifically Bodéwadmimwen in a historical context. We hear from a CPN musician and filmmaker who created a music video showcasing the past, present and future of Potawatomi. We also discuss the legacy of a first language speakers who recently walked on.
In the January 2023 Language Update, Language Department Director Justin Neely pays tribute to James Thunder, Sr., who walked on in December 2022.
The CPN Department of Education and Language Department Language Aide Robert Collins formed the Mokiwek (They Rise) team to offer Bodéwadmimwen to higher education institutions. CPN now has agreements with four colleges and universities in Oklahoma and one in Kansas.
The December 2022 Language Department update highlights ongoing efforts at shipping children’s books in Bodéwadmimwen to Tribal members, updating online offerings and increasing audio file resources.
The November 2022 Language Department update highlights a recent seven-week beginner language class taught by Department staff, new partnerships with colleges to teach the Potawatomi language and the numerous resources available online for those who wish to study Bodéwadmimwen.