Linda Zook’s first novel tells the story of young doctor Joey Winters. Raised in Oklahoma City, she moves to rural Freeman, Oklahoma, after receiving her medical license to work for two years as part of the fictional Doctors for Rural Oklahoma Program.
Author and Citizen Potawatomi Nation tribal member Jeffrey Thomas released his first novel in March 2019 — a military science fiction tale named Osiris.
Author and Tribal member Kaitlin Curtice uses words as a source of inspiration and grounding. In 2011, she began writing professionally, publishing her first book in 2017. Its success encouraged her to keep writing, and Curtice recently completed the first draft of her second book that plays on a sense of belonging and incorporates her viewpoints as a modern Christian and Native woman.
Author Christopher Wetzel knows a lot about the Potawatomi Gathering of Nations. Attending 12 of the last 13 Gatherings, including three Family Reunion Festivals in Shawnee, Wetzel estimates that he may have been to around 30 tribal powwows and events in more than a decade of observing Potawatomi culture. His recently published book, “Gathering the Read More »