Wadasé update: January 2016

Nov. 10 was the last morning that Wadasé Zhabwé visited the aviary. She arrived early from her roost in the east pasture and spent the better part of the morning out front, perched high in the pecan tree where she could catch the warm rays of the morning sun. By midday the had headed towards Read More »

Wadase update: December 2015

Here in Oklahoma, we are already beginning to see migrant bald eagles coming in for the winter months. Large kettles of vultures heading south have been a regular sight above the aviary as well. Perhaps that is why Wadasé Zhabwé returned in mid-September, after an absence of nearly eight months. She may be following migrating Read More »

Wadase update: November 2015

233 days is the equivalent of seven months and three weeks. That’s how long it has been since Wadasé Zhabwé has stopped for a visit at the aviary. The last time that she was here was January 23, 2015. Studying her telemetry, we know that she flew over as she passed through on her return Read More »

Wadase update: August 2015

January 23, 2015 was the last positive sighting of Wadasé Zhabwé at the aviary. However that’s not to say she hasn’t been in the area. On several occasions she has roosted overnight in an old, favorite spot of hers where Squirrel Creek meets the North Canadian River just north of the aviary. She has even Read More »

Wadase update: May 2015

The landscscape around us has swiftly changed with spring’s arrival. Winters colors have gone and the trees leafed out almost overnight it seems. The Great Horned owls who nest in the big pecan out back have already seen their owlets hatch and leave the nest. In the evening you can hear them calling with a Read More »

Wadasé Zhabwé soars beyond all expectations: April 2015

Time flies it seems. On April 16, 2015, 730 days will have passed to mark two years since Wadasé’s release. She has surpassed all expectations as we continue to learn valuable information from her telemetry. Many experts in the field marvel at the incredible amount of data gathered and her continued progress. With flights reching Read More »

Wadase update: January 2015

As the sun begins to peak over the horizon, the aviary pasture is already busy in the grey daylight. More than a dozen deer graze while the resident tom turkeys are busy courting several hens as the eagles begin calling. However, these were not a greeting for the morning sun but frenzied calls that usually Read More »

Wadase update: December 2014

Winter weather and freezing temperatures have already arrived here in Oklahoma and the forecast called for possible snowfall before Thanksgiving. Watching the eagles and other wildlife that frequent the aviary grounds it seems clear the weatherman may have it right this time. The CPN eagles’ appetites have almost doubled in recent days and the young Read More »

Wadase udpdate: November 2014

At the time of the last Wadase Zhabwe update, Wadase was heading further north from the area she had been consistently staying near Ponca City, Okla. on the Salt Fork River and further from home on September 14. We had to wait three very long days to check telemetry to find out where she might Read More »

Wadase update: October 2014

As we transition into fall here in Oklahoma, everything is greener than usual as a result of our milder temperatures and the added rainfall late in the summer. We are thankful for the rain. However, that also means an extended mosquito season. This month we will be vaccinating the birds against the West Nile Virus Read More »