Hownikan Podcast: April 2022

This episode visits the CPN professional basketball team’s first home game, discusses Sexual Assault Awareness Month with a victim’s advocate and talks with an apparel designer and CPN employee about Native fashion.

Training highlights stalking awareness

January is designated as National Stalking Awareness Month. This January, House of Hope will be hosting a free event for the public that will focus on the dynamics of stalking and how to work with those affected by this crime. The event will be held on January 18 at 1 p.m. and located at CPN’s North Reunion Hall.

Treating the domestic violence pandemic

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness month. More than 12 million people each year are affected by violence from a spouse or partner, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Park project educates on empowerment

The Hands Are for Helping project educates youngsters on the importance of playing safely without violence. It was developed to help assist parents teach their children the best ways to overcome conflict without a physical altercation.

House of Hope connects online to combat stalking

January was National Stalking Awareness Month, and prevention specialist Kayla Woody hosted three different webinars to both Pleasant Grove Middle School and Shawnee High School classes. The House of Hope partnered with the Stalking Prevention Awareness Resource Center and Community Renewal of Pottawatomie County to provide much-needed information about signs of stalking and ways to prevent stalking.

Denormalizing stalking

January is National Stalking Awareness Month, and Citizen Potawatomi Nation’s House of Hope wants to educate everyone on this form of abuse and the reasons it is unacceptable.

Sexual Assault in Indian Country

In the United States, violence against Native women has reached astonishing levels with more than half of this population reporting they experience sexual violence in their lifetime.

House of Hope offers parenting classes

Parents want what is best for their children, but knowing how to provide that sometimes can be tough. At the House of Hope, we offer parenting classes, at no charge, to those in the community who either need or desire such training.

16 signs of emotional abuse in a relationship

Recognizing the signs of emotional abuse is the first step to getting help. There are people who want to support you, including advocates at the StrongHearts Native Helpline.