CPN member and Slavin family descendant Elan Pochedley spent the last year mapping and creating an interactive historical display of wild rice beds, Potawatomi reservations, and Potawatomi land patents in northern Indiana.
An exceprt from the journal of Potawatomi chronicler George Winter regarding 19th century Potawatomi leader Kee-wau-nay (Prairie Chicken). “Kee-wau-nay was a war chief, one of the old patriarchs of the Pottawattamies of the Wabash. The village of Kee-wau-nay and the charming lake which was in close vicinity was named after the chief. “He was an Read More »
Jon Boursaw, District 4 CPN Legislator from Topeka, Kan. was amongst the honored Bourassa family members at the 2014 Trail of Courage Living History Festival event on Sept. 20 in Rochester, Ind. “Obviously it is an honor to me and my immediate family that I have asked to represent the entire Bourassa family at this Read More »