Bodéwadmimwen: Potawatomi language update

The CPN Language Department has been keeping busy with many projects. They are continuing their work on a series of children’s books while teaching Monday-Thursday in the Child Development Center’s two facilities. They are also working on videos, and more.

Language update: February 2021

Read about what the language department has been working on so far in 20201, including a new cartoon, new posters, this year’s storytelling event and more.

Language update: January 2021

Language Department Director Justin Neely discusses ways to learn Potawatomi during the upcoming year and what staff accomplished in 2020.

Language update: December 2020

CPN Language Department Director Justin Neely discusses upcoming projects, recent accomplishments and more language learning opportunities in the December 2020 update.

Language update: August 2020

The Potawatomi language is mainly in the form of verbs. Even many of our nouns come from verbal forms.

Language update: July 2020

The July 2020 update from the CPN language department includes a fun set of words and phrases from Jim Thunder, one of the last first language speakers from Wisconsin.

Language update: June 2020

Make sure you are taking advantage of the online language sources we have available during this time at home.