District 3 – Bob Whistler: April 2018

Bozho nikanek (Hello friends), We are winding down from bbon (winter), and with the mnokme (spring) season comes new life, which reminded me of the little creatures that silently do their thing to bring us nutrients and other goods supporting our lives. We all see the hummingbirds, butterflies and bees moving about doing needed cross-pollination Read More »

District 2 – Eva Marie Carney: April 2018

Bozho nikanek (Hello friends)! Loss of a dear Potawatomi The Bazhaw family and our Nation lost a dear elder, Ralph Bazhaw/Nishbonsek (Two Hawks). Ralph was a fine person and much-loved husband, father, grandfather and colleague. He was a good friend to many, including me. I will miss his prayers and storytelling during our fall feasts, Read More »

District 1 – Roy Slavin: April 2018

Bozho nikanek (Hello friends), The first thing I need to mention is our District 1 and 4 joint meeting May 5 at Ararat Shrine Temple Restaurant, 5100 Ararat Drive, Kansas City, Missouri. Hownikan editor Jennifer Bell is our guest speaker. This is a large meeting room with ample parking and excellent lunch facilities. Complementary lunch Read More »

District 13 – Bobbi Bowden

Bozho nikan (Hello friends), I hope 2018 is off to a great start for everyone and their families. I still cannot believe how quickly 2017 flew by. We will blink, and Family Reunion Festival will be here. Now that the Cultural Heritage Center has re-opened you can expept it to offer more classes. This is Read More »

District 8 – Dave Carney

Happy New Year! I am looking forward to 2018 and all of the possibilities it holds. Looking back on 2017, there were some significant challenges for the Nation and me personally, but overall, it was a good year. The tribe is putting lots of effort into improving the Cultural Heritage Center, preserving and fostering Potawatomi Read More »

District 7 – Mark Johnson

Bozho nikanek (Hello friends), The arrival of the New Year always gives us all a chance to reflect on the past and to look forward to the future. I for one, am glad to see 2017 go. Too many parts of our country have suffered loss, as have our members. From tornados and hurricanes to Read More »

District 6 – Rande K. Payne

Bozho nikanek (Hello friends), I hope you all had an enjoyable holiday season. I want to start with declaring my candidacy for the District 6 Legislative seat. It’s a decision I made after considerable thought and consideration. After Chairman John “Rocky” Barrett’s successful re-election bid last year and Vice-Chairman Linda Capps decision to run again, Read More »

District 5 – Gene Lambert

Bozho (Hello), As our new year kicks off this month, I have to wonder what happened to last year. There is so much to be thankful for and to celebrate. We brought in a new state to our District 5, Nebraska, and had to give up Utah for the redistricting keeping an even count on Read More »

District 4 – Jon Boursaw

Bozho (Hello), Peggy and I hope each of you had a joyful and safe holiday season. 2018 objectives Unfortunately, my primary objectives remain basically unfulfilled. These include the return of the 1862 Potawatomi census book to the Nation, which I also wrote about a year ago in my January 2017 column and have advocated for Read More »

District 3 – Bob Whistler

Bozho nikanek (Hello friends), I hope that everyone had a wonderful and joyous holiday season. As mentioned in my December column, I attended the National Congress of American Indians in Milwaukee in October. At this event, there are always many suppliers and contacts from various areas. I especially like to look at the jewelry and Read More »