Potawatomi Language Conversational Class
ZoomThis online class will focus on speaking Potawatomi as well as listening and comprehension. Join online at cpn.news/conversational.
This online class will focus on speaking Potawatomi as well as listening and comprehension. Join online at cpn.news/conversational.
Join the CPN Language Department for a 6-week beginner language course on Thursday evenings starting April 3, 2025. The class will be held in person at the CPN Cultural Heritage Center and online at cpn.news/beginnerlanguage. RSVP to language@potawatomi.org.
A 52-week community language course on Saturdays. Class 1: Potawatomi Mechanics 101, 1-2 p.m. Class 2: Vocabulary, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
This online class will focus on speaking Potawatomi as well as listening and comprehension. Join online at cpn.news/conversational.
Join the CPN Language Department for a 6-week beginner language course on Thursday evenings starting April 3, 2025. The class will be held in person at the CPN Cultural Heritage Center and online at cpn.news/beginnerlanguage. RSVP to language@potawatomi.org.
Tribal members are invited to a District 6 meeting on Saturday, April 26, 2025, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Festival Hall & Heritage Center at 10 North Main Street, Cedar City, UT 84720. Space is limited to the first 75 participants. To register, visit cpn.news/d6meeting.
A 52-week community language course on Saturdays. Class 1: Potawatomi Mechanics 101, 1-2 p.m. Class 2: Vocabulary, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
This online class will focus on speaking Potawatomi as well as listening and comprehension. Join online at cpn.news/conversational.
Join the CPN Language Department for a 6-week beginner language course on Thursday evenings starting April 3, 2025. The class will be held in person at the CPN Cultural Heritage Center and online at cpn.news/beginnerlanguage. RSVP to language@potawatomi.org.
A 52-week community language course on Saturdays. Class 1: Potawatomi Mechanics 101, 1-2 p.m. Class 2: Vocabulary, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
This online class will focus on speaking Potawatomi as well as listening and comprehension. Join online at cpn.news/conversational.
Join the CPN Language Department for a 6-week beginner language course on Thursday evenings starting April 3, 2025. The class will be held in person at the CPN Cultural Heritage Center and online at cpn.news/beginnerlanguage. RSVP to language@potawatomi.org.